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WHILE NO ONE WAS LOOKING: Trump Just Nominated 51 Judges At Once

While the media obsesses over the government shutdown and continues to smear innocent Catholic kids in Kentucky, Trump is continuing to work and get things done. In fact, he just nominated a massive number of judges.

The Washington Examiner reports:

Trump nominates 51 judges at once, enough to fill one-third of all court vacancies

In a sweeping move to further influence federal courts with conservative picks, President Trump on Wednesday renominated 51 judges who saw no action in the last Congress.

The list showed 37 nominees to district courts, nine to circuit courts, two each to the International Trade and Federal Claims courts, and one to the Military Commission Review.

One, Naomi Rao, was picked to replace the opening left when federal appeals court Judge Brett Kavanaugh […]

Read the full story from American Lookout

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