The announcement by press secretary Sarah Sanders that President Trump wants to take away the security clearances of Brennan, Comey, Clapper, Hayden, Rice, and McCabe provoked the customary hysteria from Trump-hating media. CNN forecast “dire consequences” and warned that it “could also undermine the entire security system.”
MSNBC called it “Nixonian,” which means it is very, very bad, in their parlance, and connotes that resignation to avoid impeachment is just around the corner. The New York Times warned that it signals “a willingness to use the powers of the presidency to retaliate against some of his most outspoken detractors.”
“Detractor” is a rather mild term to describe someone like Brennan, who accused the president of treason on the basis of no factual information.
In fact, by limiting the access of former intelligence officials, President Trump is heeding a warning he received from Chuck Schumer when Trump was president-elect. Remember that Trump was a significant donor to Schumer’s campaigns and enjoyed friendly relations until he embarked on a political career as a Republican, and there is every reason to believe that the warning he gave President-Elect Trump was sincere.
Read the full story from American Thinker
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