As each day passes there is more good news about the Wuhan Virus pandemic in the United States. The general consensus is that the nation has passed the peak and is well on the downhill side of the infamous curve that the media declared “experts” claimed necessitated a national lockdown and 30+ million unemployed.
Recent results of a number of antibody tests in California, New York, Florida and Massachusetts indicate the actual death rate is around the same as the seasonal flu or 0.1-0.5% The World Health Organization is now touting Sweden as the model in handling the virus outbreak without resorting to a nation lockdown, raising the question: was the lockdown even necessary?
While a number of states are reopening their economies, many are not. These governors are claiming that the threat in their state is still overwhelming and have extended the lockdowns for another month or more.
But is there, in reality, another reason for prolonging the misery in these states? There is an age-old adage that is always relevant whenever one is dealing with politicians — follow the money.
Read the full story from American Thinker
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