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Pay Attention Everyone – Ep. 774

Today’s show rundown:

The Left is calling Trump an anti Semite…this is insane, Israel literally named their airport after Trump. He has helped the Jewish Community more than any president in recent history. Trump came into office and exposed the media for what they are, and for that, we now live in this upside down world where nothing makes sense. We have a war on fossil fuels…but we can go to Venezuela or Saudi Arabia for oil…and pay out our butts for it.

This goes back to the difference between philosophical and geographic Americans. The Left is totally Geographic Americans, they are American only in that they live in this country. They do not share values this country was founded on or anything the Founding Fathers stood for. Philosophical Americans can actually live in any Country, but their values are IN LINE with America and what this country was founded on.

The biggest scam in the world is climate change – think about it, we have so many resources in this country and the Left will not us use them. They will freeze us out to prove their point. We need to keep our attention on the prize people. The Left is coming for the 2nd amendment AND the 1st amendment. No matter who runs on the Right, they will get the Trump Treatment from the media, so be sure you know what you know, and pay attention.

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