Blunt Force Truth welcomes Maj Toure to the show to hear from the Hip Hop artist turned 2nd Amendment activist. Maj founded the Black Guns Matter movement in 2015 and advocates for educating urban communities on 2nd Amendment rights and laws.
They start off by discussing the racist history of gun control and how it specifically hurts minorities living in urban communities. They consider the cost associated with obtaining a concealed carry permit. Also, they touch on how the founding fathers had accounted for some of the issues we are seeing today.
They talk more about Black Guns Matter and what they are teaching their students. Maj covers the de-escalation and non-confrontational tactics that he teaches, which includes interactions with law enforcement.
They finish with the issue of individuals being uninformed about their rights and what they are entitled to when they stopped by law enforcement. They discuss the methods for dealing with law enforcement and why there are many ways to keeps a situation from escalating.
More about Maj Toure:
Maj Toure is a Solutionary Hip Hop artist turned 2nd Amendment activist from North Philly. His following began after he was featured on the cover of the Philadelphia Weekly as “the Prophet of Philadelphia.” He founded the Black Guns Matter movement in 2015 and advocates for 2nd Amendment education and information for urban communities. Maj has been featured in the New York Times, Breitbart News, National Public Radio, Fox News, CNN, BET, Essence, and Vice News for his out of the box approach to 2nd Amendment advocacy. Maj is on a 50-state tour educating urban Americans on their 2nd Amendment rights and responsibilities.
Connect with Maj:
Twitter: @blkgunsmattr @MAJTOURE
Facebook: Official Black Guns Matter Page_Maj Toure
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