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The Democrats Are Now the Party of Gaslighting – Ep.794

Granholm is now going to transition our military into EV’s. How interesting this is going to work – are there charging stations in the middle of warzones? These are people who will never pay the price. This is fantasy, the new tomorrow…. you can’t fight a war on BATTERIES. The Biden administration has now declared war on your air conditioner. Freon is now the devil and going to burn a hole in the Ozone Layer.

How is it that over half the country doesn’t pay taxes, but Washington is still trying to make everyone beholden to them. We take money from half the country and give it to other half. We take the money of the working and give it to the non-working. The Government knows that there is always people that are going to work. But if they can get more than 50 percent of the people to NOT work and NEED the Government for their whole lives, they have the power forever, they will never lose a political race again.

Tune in now to hear about the state of our Country.

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