On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark are joined by Laura Loomer. They focus today’s conversation on Laura’s Congressional run and an array of hot topics.
Today’s show rundown:
- How Laura’s campaign has been doing since her last appearance on the show
- Laura’s plans for Congress if her campaign is successful
- The nationwide movement that Laura’s campaign has created
- How to rein in big tech and Laura’s plan to do so in Congress
- How Laura’s campaign has worked around being banned on most social media platforms
- The dangers of mail-in voting and past voter fraud
More about Laura Loomer:
Laura Loomer, 26, is a Jewish Conservative investigative journalist and activist. Originally from Tucson, Arizona, Laura began her journalism career working as an undercover journalist for Project Veritas from 2015-2017. Loomer’s investigations have uncovered fraud and corruption within the Hillary Clinton campaign, Islamic extremism on college campuses, the Las Vegas Shooting, flaws and loopholes within the U.S. immigration system, and widespread voter fraud throughout the U.S.
Loomer has traveled all around the world for her investigations, and she is mostly known for her Guerrilla style journalism and often conducts ambush interviews on live stream, which is known as getting “LOOMERED”. Some of the people she has confronted on camera include: Hillary Clinton, Chelsea Clinton, Huma Abedin, James Comey, Maxine Waters, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Michael Avenatti, Tim Kaine, Linda Sarsour, Alyssa Milano, and former DNC chair Keith Ellison.
Because of her effectiveness, Loomer was targeted by the Left and Big Tech, and is banned on nearly every single social media platform, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Uber, Lyft, Uber Eats, PayPal, Venmo, GoFundMe, Medium, TeeSpring, and even Chase Bank shut down her access to her online banking!
Loomer, who is and always has been a loyal supporter of President Donald J Trump, has continued to fight for free speech and First Amendment rights for all Americans.
Loomer is running for Congress in Florida’s 21st Congressional District where she is a resident. She looks forward to representing her constituents in Congress.
Connect with Laura Loomer:
Website: https://lauraloomerforcongress.com/ or https://loomered.com/
Gab: https://gab.com/lauraloomer
Parler: https://parler.com/profile/LauraLoomer/posts
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