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The Health of America – w/ Dr. Nicole Avena – Ep. 796

Today’s Show Notes

Mark starts us off asking “why can’t we get this message out to people – they could be so much more healthy with some simple changes to their diet”? We meet Dr. Avena, who met Mark a couple months back. So many of the problems we have in our country come down to choices we make. What we eat, if we exercise etc. So much of our food is highly processed and it is being shown that it is causing changes to the brain that is making us unhappy.

Chuck talks about one thing people use every day – sugar. All we are hearing now is Stevia, Splenda, they are all bad for you. But people think if you replace sugar with these things you can lose weight. Chuck wants to know if these sugar replacements are dangerous. There are aspects to them – but what we know from research is that sugar can cause your brain to look like it is addicted. These other types of sweeteners also show the same type of results.

Coffee places these days are simply serving deserts, there is very little coffee in these drinks all loaded up with sugar and creams. If sugar was created now, it would be considered a controlled substance. We are programmed to like sugar from birth. There is a coding in our brain that sweet = safe. There is a relationship between something tasking sweet and it being good for us. But no one is eating anything in moderation.

Tune in to listen to the rest the show

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