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The Weaponization of the DOJ & FBI – Ep. 748

Today’s show rundown:

Is there anything going on in the news today Chuck? Mark is going to do the Pledge of Allegiance to the Banana Republic. At the rate the Democrats are going, we are going to owe Adolf Hitler an apology. Mark has gone on raids as a cop – to execute a warrant on a hardened criminal. They never turned on lights and sirens, the things are stage craft, all a show – with the intent to separate True from his base.

The actions of the Democrats, the DOJ, the IRS all these groups are showing us all – they are coming for all of us. They don’t need 80 thousand new agents to “go after” the top 1%. The Left accomplished this new bill to strengthen their base of power. Even though they preach that it’ll be great for us, and good for the masses. Back to Mar-a-Lago – The FBI and DOJ which is now just a weaponized arm of the Left sent after political enemies.

This sitting President is disliked, he has failing faculties, he believes 98 percent of America wants him to win the next Presidential Election. The Left knows they are under water. What happened to the rule that the FBI and DOJ don’t do anything within 90 Days of an election.


Princess Bride Inconceivable –

Jim that’s highly Illogical –

Mark Health Tip – – 30 Day Free Trial only paying shipping and handling

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