Today’s show rundown:
Accountable is a good word says Chuck. Will anybody in government be held accountable for the nefarious things they are doing. Mark says the government is trying to hold us accountable for a great many things. Today’s show is super important, information that needs to get out. We are going to talk about a side of COVID 19 that is classified as Domestic Terrorism today according to Homeland Security.
Mark introduces our guest Dr. David Martin, with an extensive background too long to list here, he has been vetted by our producers, and we wanted to give him a platform to speak. We are finding for the past 2 years that last year’s conspiracy theory becomes this month’s NEWS FLASH. Everything we have been told is wrong, and everything that us and others have been trying to say have been proven TRUE.
In 1983 was Dr. Martin’s first chance to testify with Congress in and around the events that were happening in South America. Dr. Martin “cut his teeth” on what had been spoon fed to us, when he had been doing what he did for over 30 years. This guy has been all over the world and has had an enormous experience living in places that were “beyond hope”.
Look here for the Documents we Talked about at the end of the show –
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