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What’s in the Bill? – Ep. 680

Today’s show rundown:

Whats in the Bill? Whats in the bill that was just passed? Does anyone know what’s in any bill that’s ever passed now days? This new Bill that was just passed would take 49 hours to read, at a whopping 2700 pages long. How can any member of Congress actually know what they re passing through? They can’t have read the whole thing, how could they?

AOC and the big Amtrack Push – what does she want? She is on record saying that Air Travel puts out too much pollution. She wants a train to Hawaii. 66 Billion of the new bill is for AOC’s / Amtrack to build new stuff.

110 Billion of the bill goes for infrastructure – Roads, bridges and other major projects. Racism in our highway system though…that the big stuff that needs to be fixed. Mark talks about spending lots of time in the engineering dept, making building and making plans back from his construction days. At no time did we ever say “lets just put a smaller elevator in here because we think it will be full of Puerto Ricans.

Mark has come up with his preferred pronouns – they are – Thee, Though, and Thine. This new bill also calls out digital equity. Racial and ethnic minority status makes is so you get free broadband. State mandated carbon reduction programs are also called for. We just approved 1.2 Trillion in spending, but if your state doesn’t abide by Federal mandates then they won give you any of this money.



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