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A Win Against the #MeToo Mob

“Rape apologist.”

That’s what the Women’s March called Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, after she announced she was a “yes” vote to confirm D.C. Circuit Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

And it showed that for some on the left, this was never about fairness or due process or anything but exploiting the very real—and concerning—emotional trauma of millions of women to advance a political goal.

You can believe we have a crisis of sexual assault in this country, that there is a valid thirst for justice, and also that, based on the facts we have, Kavanaugh is not credibly guilty of sexual assault.

Collins was not dismissive of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations against Kavanaugh. In her speech Friday announcing why she was backing Kavanaugh, she detailed her thinking.

Collins noted that while Ford’s testimony was “sincere, painful, and compelling,” none of those Ford mentioned as present at the party where the alleged assault occurred when they were teens was able to corroborate her story. “Under penalty of felony,” they have not backed Ford’s story.

Read the full story from The Daily Signal

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