Just like Farrakhan and the Women’s March, when you expose racism, you also expose the folks who rush out to defend it.
The context is Alice Walker’s anti-Semitism becoming a public topic of discussion, even though it had been well known for a while.
Walker, the ADL statement went on, “suggests that Israeli settlements are motivated by the concept that ‘possession is nine-tenths of the law,’ which she claims is a lesson she ‘learned from my Jewish lawyer former husband. This belief might even be enshrined in the Torah.’”
A meeting she describes with an elderly Palestinian woman in the territories is telling about the impetus behind Walker’s hostile attitude towards Jews and Israelis. The woman, upon accepting a gift from Walker, says “May God protect you from the Jews” to which Walker responds, “It’s too late, I already married one.”
Then Walker recommended a wildly anti-Semitic book by David Icke which draws on the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and pushes Holocaust denial
Defending her on Twitter most vocally was Bishop Talbert W. Swan II, who had been previously banned from Twitter for aiming a racial slur at Candace Owens. Twitter bowed to lefty pressure and let him back where he’s been inveighing against Israel
Read the full story from Front Page Mag
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