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Arizona Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Election Challenge After Investigation of 100-Ballot Sample Finds 3% of the Ballots Were Deemed Fraudulent in Favor of Biden

The Arizona Supreme Court on Monday agreed to hear an election challenge after an investigation of a 100-ballot sample found that 3% of the ballots were deemed fraudulent of Joe Biden.

The GOP filed a lawsuit in Arizona to audit a sample of 100 ballots to prove there was massive voter fraud.

The Arizona GOP last Wednesday announced the findings from their investigation of 100 duplicate ballots, in which TWO votes were discovered to have been altered and removed from President Trump’s total.

One ballot was changed from Trump to Biden and another ballot was completely taken away from President Trump.

This is a 3% margin of fraud in Biden’s favor (2 votes taken away from Trump and one added to Biden).

Read the full story from The Gateway Pundit

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