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Bernie Sanders discovered yesterday that a white male nominee is a problem for a huge chunk of the Democrats’ base

Intersectionality is the Achilles Heel of Democrats in 2020. Assembling a collection of grievance-based identity groups works well for the Democrats, until it doesn’t.  And with President Trump driving a substantial number of Democrats into clinical derangement, the angry, angry ethno-sexual-economic group partisans are fed up with waiting for their turn. Bernie’s own partisans feel, with considerable justification, that they were robbed of the nomination in 2016, and with Bernie turning 79 years old by Election Day, they can’t wait for another election cycle to receive their vision of “justice.”

But the problem is that other angry Democrat constituent groups have had their fill of white males stepping into positions of power.  Do you think black voters will turn out at a higher rate than whites and vote above 90% for the Democrat if an elderly Jewish-heritage guy is on the ticket instead of an African-American?  […]


Read the full story from The American Thinker

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