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Black Lives Matter Prosecutions Claim a Life

The wave of Black Lives Matter culture war has permeated most American institutions. And quite a number of prosecutors have begun filling cases that they know that they won’t win a trial to score political points.

These were usually trials aimed at police officers, but in some cases, also against civilians defending themselves against racist Black Lives Matter violence.

Where the police officers do usually have the backing of unions and of a community of fellow law enforcement officers and supporters around the country, the random civilians who face prosecution generally don’t. The McCloskeys were one notable exception. But the couple had wealth and won the political support of conservatives.

Jake Gardner, an Omaha bar owner assaulted by a Black Lives Matter thug, who shot him in self-defense wasn’t one of those. And when the Democrat authorities, after initially recognizing that there were no valid grounds for indicting Gardner, decided to put on a full court press of finding some reason, any reason, to drag him into a trial, Gardner committed suicide.

Read the full story from Front Page Mag

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