What an embarrassment.
California ranks dead last on America’s educational front. Terry Jeffrey of CNS News has the data:
California ranks No. 1 among the 50 states for the percentage of its residents 25 and older who have never completed ninth grade and 50th for the percentage who have graduated from high school, according to new data from the Census Bureau.
Texas comes in second. Both states are large and have major agricultural operations, which necessitates farm work. Farm work doesn’t require much education, and it’s logical that people with that kind of an educational résumé would gravitate to that line of work. The Sacramento Bee breaks down the educational levels by California city and shows that agricultural cities do lead the pack.
It’s also an industry that’s more than a little famous for hiring illegal aliens, and those are the ones who actually work for a living rather than live off California’s vast welfare offerings. Central American migrants, for instance, virtually all have less than a tenth-grade education and some of the lowest English-language proficiency skills in the entire world, according to the EF English proficiency index, which considers this skill a measure of development.
Read the full story from American Thinker
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