And considering that the federal judiciary has quite a while back become an unelected legislative and executive branch that has built its rulings into a body of law that must be respected, while failing to base them on the Constitution, that would not be a bad thing at this point.
The Democrat response to a potential Trump SCOTUS pick has been to either rig the judiciary or denounce it.
It’s one of those strange Overton Window moments where one of the more unhinged lefties at the New York Times is singing my song.
Down With Judicial Supremacy – The Supreme Court was never meant to be the only arbiter of the meaning of the Constitution. – Jamelle Bouie
That’s the theme of quite a few articles I’ve written. Like this one.
During the Lincoln-Douglas debates, Abraham Lincoln asserted that the decision of the Supreme Court in the Dred Scott case did not suffice to “have the citizen conform his vote to that decision; the member of Congress, his; the President, his use of the veto power”.
Read the full story from Front Page Mag
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