One of the more despicable Congress-critters is Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.), a man with utter contempt for Truth. He was on Tucker Carlson Tonight last evening pushing for confiscation of AR-type rifles and spinning like a dervish with rocket boosters. But let’s forget that while Swalwell wrote an op-ed calling for gun confiscation, it’s not really confiscation, according to Swalwell. Let’s forget that what he labels “assault weapons” are just semi-automatic rifles that happen to have a military-style appearance (much like putting a Porsche body on a Yugo chassis). Let’s forget that he claimed that his AR-species confiscation plan would “keep kids safe,” ignoring that the most recent shooting, in Santa Fe, was perpetrated with a .38 pistol and a shotgun. Most significant is that, amid his pseudo-Machiavellian babbling, he contradicted himself and refuted his own argument.
Pointing out the congressman’s more-equal-than-others status, host Tucker Carlson repeatedly asked Swalwell if he would restrict his own bodyguards, the Capitol Hill Police (CHP), to the same weapons to which he’d limit Joe Six-Pack. Practice what you preach, right?
See the full story here.
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