President Trump’s tax cuts and tax reform bill, passed 100% by Republicans in Congress, has been a resounding success. Along with fewer regulations, its other byproduct is expanding economic growth, along with more plentiful job opportunities, and soaring consumer and business confidence. So what have Democrats learned from those good results?
In their strange case, they’re emboldened to go back to big government, higher taxes, and more regulations. When you have good results, their only idea is to go back to what gave us the slowest economic recovery in seventy years. That is pure genius. Only Democrats, when the economy is winning, search for a way to slow down the economy, to throw people out of those nice new jobs, and to make more people dependent on government. Democrats will be supported in this stupidity by the mostly complicit media, who just repeat talking points. Analysis and investigative reporting are no longer necessary for journalists to succeed.
See the full story here.
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