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Dilbert Creator Scott Adams Calls Joe Biden A ‘Brain-Dead Race Hoaxer’ And Worse (VIDEO)

Scott Adams, creator of the iconic ‘Dilbert’ cartoon series, was one of the first high-profile figures in America to suggest Trump would win in 2016.

He has stuck with Trump for the last four years and has been a vocal critic of the Democrats.

In one of his recent podcasts, he offered some thoughts about the 2020 election and Joe Biden.

He did not hold back.

Via Real Clear Politics:

Scott Adams: Brain-Dead Race Hoaxer Joe Biden Is The Biggest Asshole In America

Scott Adams, the creator of ‘Dilbert’ and a student of persuasion, explains why he thinks that Joe Biden citing the 2017 “fine people” in Charlottesville “race hoax” during his DNC acceptance speech disqualifies him from being the president, […]

Read the full story from American Lookout

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