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Media: If Trump Loses, We’re Dead

A longwinded version of what I wrote in 2017 in The Big Money Behind Fake News.

The New York Times desperately needed high growth in digital subscription to compensate for its cratering print subs. To survive, the Times had to find a quarter of a million new subscribers every quarter. It actually improved on those numbers. That amounted to a $13 million profit taking it from an $8 million loss. It added 41,000 subscriptions alone in the week after President Trump’s victory.

Those are the hard numbers that drive the media’s fake news machine and help the _Times_’ college dropout editor Dean Baquet keep his cushy salary. It’s not just left-wing politics. It’s media greed.

Trump is the media’s golden goose. The media is making a fortune trying to kill him. Even as it knows that the fortune will vanish in a moment if its fake news echo chamber of innuendo actually got its way.

Read the full story from Front Page Mag

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