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Facebook and Twitter censor Trump campaign post on children and coronavirus

The Silicon Valley tech titans are blatantly interfering in politics by taking down a video excerpt posted by the Trump campaign in which President Trump correctly noted that children are “almost immune” to coronavirus. In point of fact, according to The American Academy of Pediatrics 3 days ago:

…the available data indicated that COVID-19-associated hospitalization and death is uncommon in children.

At this time, it appears that severe illness due to COVID-19 is rare among children.

That sounds like “almost immune” to me, especially considering that children are far less likely than adults to carefully observe hand washing, social distancing, and other measures that adults practice to avoid infection.

Yet, via Breitbart:

Facebook said it removed the video of the interview because President Trump claimed that children have heightened immunity to coronavirus. (snip)

This is despite repeated assurances from Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg that the platform will not censor politicians.

In a speech at Georgetown University in October 2019, Zuckerberg said “we think people should be able to hear what politicians have to say.”

Read the full story from American Thinker

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