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FASCISM IN ACTION: Left-Wing Activist at WaPo Joins CNN – Calls for the Elimination of Infowars

CNN openly lobbied Google and YouTube to shut down competitor Infowars earlier this month.

Infowars is one of the top conservative news sites in America.
The site has several employees and several programs.

Infowars is a favorite in the conservative movement with a massive following.

And CNN wants them gone!

In Russia, the government shuts down dissident media outlets.
In America, CNN apparently thinks that’s its responsibility.

And now CNN has company.
On Wednesday the far left conspiracy website Washington Post joined CNN.

Left-wing activist Brennan Gilmore filed charges Tuesday against The Gateway Pundit — along with Alex Jones, Allen West, Lee Stranahan, Infowars reporter LeeAnn McAdoo, Derrick Wilburn and others — for writing mean things about him in 2017 after the Charlottesville protests. […]


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