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Florida Gubernatorial Candidate Runs Awesome Pro-Trump Ad

A Trump-supporting candidate for Governor of Florida recently released a campaign ad which has starchy neoconservative crowd in a tizzy, meaning it must be awesome.

“Everyone knows my husband is endorsed by President Trump, but he’s also an amazing dad,” begins the ad narrated Ron DeSantis’ wife, Casey. “Ron loves playing with the kids.”

The ad then cuts to DeSantis and his son building a wall out of colored cardboard boxes.

“He reads stories,” she says as DeSantis is depicted reading Trump’s “The Art of the Deal” to one of his children.

“He’s teaching [daughter] Madison to talk,” she says as DeSantis points and reads aloud the words Make America Great Again to his daughter. “People say Ron is all Trump, but he is so much more.”

Read the full story from Big League Politics

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