It’s an Inconvenient Truth.
You can’t walk down a street in New York without seeing Warmunist propaganda everywhere. “Prepare for the Global Warming Apocalypse. The sea levels are rising. The polar bears are dying. Unless you shop at Whole Foods and ban plastic bags, we’re all doomed.”
Meanwhile the latest blizzard in the area has claimed at least one life. And set a record.
This marks the fifth consecutive season that at least 30 inches of snow have fallen in New York City. The only other recorded time it snowed this much, for this long a period, was back in the 1880s (records begin in the 1869-1870 season).
As of 8 p.m., 6.7 inches of snow had fallen in Central Park in Manhattan, the official measurement site for snow in Manhattan. More snow has fallen since then, but that alone put New York over 30 inches of snow for the season. Before the storm, New York City had only 27 inches of snow recorded for the season.
The last five years of winter have been notable for other reasons as well. The largest snowstorm in New York City history — of 27.5 inches — occurred in January 2016. That same season also featured the only subzero temperature since 1994.
It’s almost like the Prophet Al Gore (NBUH) got it wrong. Now I don’t want to be accused of hating science, by lefties who actually hate real science, but can’t wait to “nerd out” by watching Ready, Player One, but the sea level apocalypse they’re waiting for ain’t coming.
Better find a new prophet.
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