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“Hoax Number 7!” – Trump Goes Off on Democrats’ Latest Claim Russia is Trying to Help Him Win 2020 Election

Deep Staters in the intel community and (Adam Schiff?) is at it again — leaking and spinning in order to harass President Trump in an attempt to derail his re-election efforts.

A new leak to the New York Times claims intel officials warned House lawmakers last week that Russia was interfering in the 2020 campaign to try to get Trump reelected.

The New York Times article offered no proof of its claims and sounded like an old story from 2016 cleverly rewritten (by Adam Schiff?) to sound shiny and new.

The Times reported that Trump was outraged that the classified report was shared with Adam Schiff and the House Intelligence Committee because Adam Schiff is a leaker and liar.

Read the full story from The Gateway Pundit

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