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In Arizona, Biden’s supporters left something to be desired

People are noticing the missing crowds when Joe Biden and Kamala Harris visited Phoenix on Thursday.  Not a single person turned out to cheer on the Democrat party candidates.  None.  Nada.  Zip.  That is stunning.  Trump-supporters find this heartening when comparing this to the crowds who turn out for Trump.  However, we may be making head-to-head comparisons between the wrong crowds.  The critical metric might not be Biden crowds versus Trump crowds.  It might be Trump-supporters’ enthusiasm versus Black Lives Matter protesters’ enthusiasm — and the latter could win.

NewsNOW, at Fox, reported on a stop that Biden and Harris — traveling in their “Battle for the Soul of the Nation” bus — made in Phoenix, Arizona.  After showing a sparsely populated interior space, which is typical for Biden appearances, the report then shifted to the area outside the museum where the event was held.

What’s caught people’s attention is that there is not a single Biden-supporter outside the venue.  As the reporter on the scene says, “there’s really not much to see. … It’s kind of boring out here.”  She explains that a Biden staffer assured her that this is intentional. […]

Read the full story from American Thinker

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