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NAACP’s own poll reveals surge in black support for Trump – and they react badly

Dependence on 90% voting support from African-Americans for electoral success is the jugular vein of the Democratic Party.  President Trump’s rising support among black voters is correctly seen as an existential threat to the party’s – and progressivism’s – ability to win national elections.  That’s why I thought it was big news last Saturday when Rasmussen proclaimed that black approval of Trump had hit 29%, even though most of the media ignored it for reasons AT readers well understand.

But the surge in black support for President Trump is real – so real that even the far-left NAACP discovered it in a poll, though that poll (perhaps with a differently worded question) put the support at 21%.  Here is a graphic presentation of the result, showing the support for Trump among various ethnicities:

What’s a race victimology group to do with this?  Of course, double down on charges that Trump is a racist.  Paul Bedard of the Washington Examiner:

The NAACP said in its poll analysis, “Voters across all racial and ethnic groups believe Trump is setting race relations back.  Three quarters of African-Americans, Latinos and Asian-Americans believe Trump is setting race relations back while a small majority of white voters believe so.  Black women (89 percent), in particular, feel disrespected by President Trump.”

Read the full story from American Thinker

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