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Old White Guy Joe Biden Rips ‘White Man’s Culture,’ Once Compared Self To ‘Token Black’

To hear the political pundits tell it, the 2020 election is Joe Biden’s to lose. He’s on top of all the early polls to win the Democratic nomination and the liberal media has always been smitten with him.

So it was only a matter of time until Crazy Joe started to implode — which is happening now, even though he isn’t even an official candidate (yet).

At the Biden Courage Awards, an event that honors those working to halt sexual assault in colleges, Biden lamented the “white man’s culture” during the Clarence Thomas’ nomination to the Supreme Court.

“A really notable woman, Anita Hill, professor, showed the courage of a lifetime talking about her experience being harassed by Clarence Thomas,” Biden said. […]

Read the full story from The Gateway Pundit

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