Like a witch lifting the lid from the pot of her bubbling brew, House minority leader Nancy Pelosi has unveiled her picture of what her Congress would look like if the Democrats retake the House in November.
Axios has the chart in this tweet here. The larger chart, complete with green faces for the Latinos, purple faces for the blacks, and orange faces for the Asians, is here:
If Dems win back the House in November’s midterms, as expected, and Nancy Pelosi is Speaker, she will usher in the most diverse leadership team in the history of Congress.
Comically, Axios makes the claim that the racial diversity of the group is the story, as if no one might ever notice the lockstep left-wing monolithic extremism of every last one of these probable nominees. And even more comically, Axios writes that the diversity of skin color translates into diversity of thinking.
Apparently, they don’t know these guys.
Fact is, this is a real menagerie of the worst elements of left-wingery, people famous for their lockstep adherence to Pelosi’s flying monkey commands, and famous only for the diversity of their idiocies.
Read the full story from American Thinker
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