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Poll shows that voters want president to do his job and nominate a Supreme Court justice

Democrats are forecasting doom for democracy and the republic if President Trump goes forward with his plan to nominate a new Supreme Court justice in the wake of Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death, weeks before the election. Here’s some of the hysteria from Sen. Chuck Schumer:

“So many people’s rights are at stake in this election,” said Schumer. “If you care about all these rights, if you don’t want big, powerful, wealthy special interests to turn the clock back 100 years, please, our fervent plea, our fervent wish, is that you call your senator.”

And Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez:

…Dems need to use “every tool at our disposal” to block a Senate confirmation hearing for any potential replacement nominated by President Trump.

“We need to make sure we mobilize on an unprecedented scale to ensure this vacancy is reserved for the next president,” she said.

“We must also commit to using every procedural tool available to us to ensure that we buy ourselves the time necessary.”

It’s baloney. Not only is it an about-face from what Democrat were saying four years ago:

Read the full story from American Thinker

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