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Protesters Burn Dozens of MAGA Hats Stolen From Rally Attendees in MN, Reporter Says it’s ‘Not Safe’ for Trump Supporters in the Area

Far-left protesters reportedly made a bonfire with dozens of ‘Make America Great Again’ hats stolen off the heads of people who attended Thursday night’s Trump rally in Minnesota.

Blaze correspondent Elijah Schaffer reports that there were approximately 40 hats stolen and burned.

The protesters chanted “f-ck Trump around the pile of ashes and stolen burnt hats.

Schaffer tweeted that after burning the hats, “they then left the ashes as a vigil against fascism, leaving a f*ck Trump sign on the top of the pile This is tolerance. This is the left.”

The Minnesota rally was attended by 20,000 people, with an additional 25,000 supporters left gathering outside after the stadium was full.

Protesters also swarmed the area, destroying barricades and even waving the flag of communist China.

Read the full story from The Gateway Pundit

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