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Rachel Maddow Pushed Russia Hoax For Three Years – Now Accuses Trump Of Spreading Misinformation (VIDEO)

Rachel Maddow pushed the Russia conspiracy on TV five nights a week for the better part of three years. She is not in a position to lecture anyone on spreading misinformation.

Yet that’s exactly what she is doing.

You see Trump’s approval numbers are on the rise. His daily press briefings are even changing the minds of some Democrats.

Now Rachel is trying to get him off the air.

News Busters reports:

Maddow: Trump’s ‘Fairy Tale’ Press Conferences Will ‘Cost Lives’, Wants Them Off TV

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow wants President Trump’s daily coronavirus press conferences to be taken off the air, because lives depend on it. Oh, and hope in the midst of these turbulent times? We cannot have that! 

Read the full story from American Lookout

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