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Republicans: Vice President Pence, Senate Majority Leader McConnell and House Minority Leader McCarthy, Won’t Attend President Trump’s Goodbye Ceremony

Good riddance from the GOP!

You can really tell who your friends are sometimes and the GOP leadership are no friend to President Trump.   Despite President Trump receiving more legitimate votes than any presidential candidate in history, the Republican leadership are happy to see him gone.  They already forgot his name.

The Independent reported:

Republican leaders are skipping President Trump’s farewell event to instead attend church with incoming President Joe Biden on the day of his inauguration.

Senate Majority Leader, soon-to-be Minority Leader, Mitch McConnell and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy will both attend church with Mr Biden, Axios reports. It’s a snub symbolising a possible GOP establishment break with Donald Trump and a sign of unity for the country.

Read the full story from The Gateway Pundit

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