For a while, we had been wondering and worrying about whether California’s peculiar primary system would shut Republicans out of the running for governor’s race. I wrote about it here.
Well, guess what! President Trump’s endorsement, far from the liability the left would have you believe, has been a big boon for the gubernatorial prospects of John Cox, who now takes second place in the polls and is likely assured a spot on the November ballot, giving voters a serious left-right choice.
A new poll shows San Diego Republican John Cox holds a seven-point advantage for second place among likely voters in the governor’s election Tuesday, signaling that voters prefer him and Democratic Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom to face off in the November general election.
The poll by UC Berkeley’s Institute of Governmental Studies also found Newsom expanding his lead, with 33 percent of likely voters backing the San Francisco Democrat. Support for Cox, a businessman, grew to 20 percent, while former Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa’s backing grew to 13 percent. The percentage of undecided voters dropped from 13 percent in April to 7 percent in the current poll.
“We think it’s likely to be Cox against Newsom in the general election,” said Mark DiCamillo, director of the poll.
Yay, bay-beeee!
Up until now, it appeared that a Republican on the gubernatorial ticket in November didn’t stand a snowball’s chance in San Diego.
See the full story here.
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