At first glance, it looked like maybe a blunder, some political overplaying of the hand, the Sunday move by President Trump that could finally make the internally warring Democrats circle their fractious wagons and unite. It certainly was politically risky.
Trump tweeted out this string of comments:
Trump was horning in on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s public catfight with four far-left fellow Democratic representatives after one of them, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, was last seen calling Pelosi racist. Pelosi had merely told the “squad” to keep their internal party disagreements with others on the inside. They ignored that and whipped out the race card, signaling that Pelosi is powerless, and they were trying to take her down.
Trump not only defended Pelosi as a non-racist, which must have given Pelosi heartburn — the work of a master troll, as Thomas Lifson put it earlier…but dug the knife in further. This one was savage.
He made a series of outrageous tweets called on Pelosi’s own “squad” to go back to the countries they came from.
Read the full story from American Thinker
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