On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark are joined by Gino Wickman. Gino has spent his whole adult life as an entrepreneur and has an obsession for learning what makes business and entrepreneurs successful.
Chuck and Mark kick off the show by discussing what someone can expect to get out of Gino’s book Entrepreneurial Leap. Gino explains who is considered an entrepreneur and how there is a spectrum of different levels. They discuss some of the preconceived notions surrounding starting your own business.
They also discuss what skills are necessary to be a successful entrepreneur and what kind of education can improve those needed skills. Chuck and Mark hear more from Gino about how there are opportunities for anyone to become self-employed.
More about Gino Wickman:
An entrepreneur since the age of 21, Gino has had an obsession for learning what makes businesses and entrepreneurs thrive.
At 25 he took over the family business, which was deeply in debt and in need of help. After turning the company around and running it for seven years, he and his partners successfully sold the company.
Gino then set out to help entrepreneurs and leaders get what they want from their businesses. Based on his years of real-world experience, he created the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS), a practical method for helping companies achieve greatness.
He has personally delivered more than 1,800 full-day sessions for more than 130 companies, helping them implement EOS. He is also the author of the award-winning, best-selling book Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business, as well as Get a Grip, Rocket Fuel, How to Be a Great Boss and What the Heck is EOS?.
Gino is the founder of EOS Worldwide, an organization that helps tens of thousands of businesses implement EOS with the aid of an international team of over 300 professional and certified EOS Implementers and online support. There are more than 60,000 companies using the EOS tools Worldwide.
ABOUT ENTREPRENEURIAL LEAP Gino is devoting time and energy toward helping entrepreneurs-in-the-making get a huge jump-start on taking their entrepreneurial leap, which is why he created Entrepreneurial Leap. The mission of Entrepreneurial Leap is to find all of the entrepreneurs-in-the-making, at any age, wherever they are—to help them realize their purpose and live the life they were born to live.
Connect with Gino Wickman:
Website: www.e-leap.com
Twitter: @readLeap
Facebook: @readLeap
Instagram: @readLeap
LinkedIn: @readLeap
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