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Resistance Floods College Campuses

The resistance movement’s that have spread across the country, have now flooded college campuses and is targeting conservative students. Administrator’s of these campuses have been open armed to the riots and aggression towards conservatives. The riots and hatred towards conservatives will become more obvious when students return to classes in the fall but it is still apparent now.

The “tolerant left” has proven that they are only tolerant to their beliefs and fellow liberals. Conservatives are being targeted and are being forced to hide their beliefs. They are not having to hide their beliefs because they fear of hurting someone’s feelings but they are having to hide their beliefs so they are not putting themselves in danger.

The left already control college campuses and pamper every student that feels “threatened” by words but now they are allowing students to be excuses from classes to riot and protest. Student’s are even given extensions on exams so they can attend the protest.  What could they be protesting for? College students have their safe places, special housing for just about anything, and generally far left professors?

Colleges are giving into these protests and they are not preparing students for life after college. Giving into the protest and riots will come back to hurt them because it will lead to property damage or physical harm to students. The resistance protest and riots have only become more and more aggressive, which will follow on to campuses.

The left wants to be tolerant and unified but the resistance movement is taking us farther from unity every day. Tensions between students will be higher than ever and will create issues when students return in the fall. The issue? The issue will be that conservative students will be blamed for the divide between students.

Why will conservative’s be blamed?

Well, when are conservatives not blamed?

Conservatives are the “intolerant” ones on campus and the one’s using words that hurt the snowflakes. For the most part, college administrations are farther left-winged and will side with the students offended by words. The blames will be put on conservative students, which will expand the division on campuses.

The administrators of colleges must put a halt on the resistance movements on campuses or it will create more issues and will distract students from work towards their degree. This does not mean that the first amendment needs to be taken away from anyone or should it be but the riots and protest should not distract student from their studies. these student’s do not want to be “oppressed” but these protest will oppress conservatives. 

(Written by Blunt Force Truth News)

(June 14, 2017)

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