Thirteen counties in Alabama implemented a work requirement to receive food stamps, at the start of this year. The work requirement has caused for an 85% drop in food stamp participation, according to the state of Alabama. The 13 counties had 5,538 adults, without dependents, that received food stamps at the beginning of the year has drop to 831, in the first 5 months of reinstating work requirement.
The work requirement was repealed during the states latest economic decline in 2012, but following it’s reinstatement, it has lowered the participation of the government assistance program. Waving the work requirement was done by many states during the recession and many states have yet to reinstate the requirement and are encountering high numbers of food stamp participation. The work requirements are for individuals that can work and do not have dependents. It does not take assistance from individuals who need the extra help.
The number of people in Alabama that stopped using food stamps should not be a surprise and should encourage other states to reinstate their work requirements. Alabama’s work requirement is part of President Trump’s goal to “Make America Great Again” because it is encouraging people to do things on their own and not rely so heavily on government programs. Making people work for their food stamps is not a way of punishing the poor but encourages them to change their situation and become self-reliant.
The people that stop using food stamps, open funding for people that actually need the assistance and lower government spending. The work requirement does not take away an individual’s food stamps but will make them contribute, to continue participation in the program.
The work requirement will help people understand the feeling of independence and stop the belief of entitlement. A work requirement should not be seen as an attack on the poor, it should be seen as a step towards a better America and giving individuals the willpower to be independent.
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Source: (June 10, 2017)
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