Republican Steve Scalise is still in the hospital after being shot and severely injured last week by a Bernie Sanders campaign volunteer. The attack took place while Scalise, along with a number of other Congressmen and their staff, were practicing for the annual Congressional Baseball Game. Scalise was close to death when he arrived at the hospital and has undergone multiple surgeries to stop internal bleeding. He was upgraded Sunday from critical to severe condition.
But despite still being laid up in a hospital bed, MSNBC Host Joy Reid accused the Congressmen of racism on her show (ironically named “Morning Joy”) over the weekend. Further her guest, Rev. William Barber, used the opportunity to claim Republicans dislike poor people and are deliberately taking away their healthcare.
The new civility never starts with the left, despite a years of lectures to conservatives and Republicans about needing to tone down the rhetoric.
Meanwhile as Matt wrote earlier, CBS News is asking if Scalise being shot was “self inflicted.”
(First reported by Townhall News) (June 19, 2017)
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