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Limiting the Power of an Out of Control Congress – An Interview with Philip Blumel – Episode 217

On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck Woolery interviews Philip Blumel, the President of U.S. Term Limits. The organization, founded in 1990, has worked to get term limits enacted in every layer of government.

They discuss the goal of limiting the entire U.S. Legislature and touch on the history of term limits in Washington. Very few members of Congress are interested in limiting their own power, so Blumel explains why we might need an Article Five Convention called for by the States to amend the Constitution.

To find out more about Blumel’s work and what you can do as a citizen, visit

Follow the organization on Twitter @USTermLimits and on Facebook at

Philip Blumel is a two-time graduate of the University of Florida with an undergraduate degree in journalism and a master’s in economics. He is currently a Certified Financial Planner™ at Raymond James. Blumel has served as trustee for the City of Lake Worth Police Pension Board and also as a supervisor on the board of the Palm Beach County Soil and Water Conservation District.

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