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DeGrasse Tyson: If You Believe In Eclipses, You Must Believe In Climate Change


On Monday, the country took a break from the vicissitudes of politics to watch the sun go dark. Unfortunately, the solar eclipse came to an end and human life continued, but not before a few virtue-signaling Leftist scientists bragged about the pre-eminence of their chosen field of endeavor.

Neil deGrasse Tyson made this oblique reference to climate change:

And here’s the all-knowing creator of House of Cards:

This is not how science works.

Science is about verifiable hypothesis tested against observed results. The problem with the climate change science thus far has been that its computer models have not replicated actual data gathered over time.

That does not mean that future models cannot do better, or that climate change isn’t happening. It does mean that asking the general public to accept the iron-clad nature of climate change in the same way we accept the rotation of planets would be foolhardy. The same argument that deGrasse Tyson and Willimon make could have been used at any point to freeze scientific inquiry — before Copernicus, before Darwin, before Einstein. After all, critics could have stated that the same science that allowed us to predict eclipses thousands of years ago stated that these newfangled theories were nonsense.

Shouting “science” at the moon doesn’t make critics shut up, nor should it. That’s the entire joke Mark Twain told in A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, when the hero of the story uses a solar eclipse as evidence of his own providence. If you want to prove your science, prove it. But labeling something “science” so that you can use the known world to justify the unknown is merely intellectual arrogance masquerading as rational inquiry.

(First reported by The Daily Wire)  (August 22, 2017)

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