Democrat Massachusetts Congressman Seth Moulton declared on Twitter Monday that he would boycott the moment of silence held on the House Floor in remembrance of the victims of the Las Vegas, Nevada mass shooting that left more than 50 people dead and five hundred injured.
Following the announcement that House members would honor the victims Monday afternoon, Rep. Moulton posted on Twitter that he would boycott the moment of silence – just as he had after last year’s mass shooting in Orlando, Florida:
“As after #Orlando, I will NOT be joining my colleagues in a moment of silence on the House Floor that just becomes an excuse for inaction.”
“Now is not a moment for silence; it’s a time for action.”
The Washington Post reported last year in June that Rep. Moulton did, indeed, refuse to participate in the House’s moment of silence for the Orlando shooting’s victims, because he would prefer to take action by passing gun control legislation.
“Let’s bring a new generation of leadership to Washington. All Tweets are my own,” Rep. says in his Twitter page introduction.
(First reported by CNS News) (October 4, 2017)
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