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Dems ‘change rules’ to protect Nancy Pelosi, thwart primary challenger

Published by The American Mirror

By Victor Skinner 

Stephen Jaffe, the “true progressive” running against House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi in California’s 12th congressional district, contends Democratic Party leaders rigged its rules to push through Pelosi’s automatic endorsement – likening the move to the Democratic National Committee’s efforts to railroad Bernie Sanders and hand the 2016 presidential primary to Hillary Clinton.

“California Democratic Party has what’s called an automatic endorsement, which means when somebody is an incumbent chooses to run again for the same seat they will be automatically endorsed by the party no matter how badly or poorly they may have done in the term, just proceeded,” Jaffe told The Young Turks’ Cenk Uygur.

“I believe politicians should be required to run on their record, and I’m just totally against the automatic endorsement.”

Jaffe said he successfully worked through the party’s process to negate the automatic endorsement and force delegates to consider other candidates, but party leaders pulled a fast one and quashed the plan by changing the rules.

See the full story here.


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