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Endangered Butterfly Threatened By Great Trump Wall=> Liberal Hacks Worried Butterfly Can’t Fly Over Wall!

Published by The Gateway Pundit

By Jim Hoft

Here we go…

Liberal hacks are worried an endangered butterfly may not be able to fly over the Great Trump Border Wall–

This is the kind of liberal BS Democrats keep pushing.

There is no other more radical political party in the world today that can top the DNC.

Democrats are pushing trash reports that a butterfly can’t fly over a wall.

Shameless ABC reported:

A small butterfly native to southern California and northwestern Mexico could be threatened by President Donald Trump’s proposed border wall.

The Quino checkerspot butterfly was once common to the area but has seen its habitat eroded over the past century and is now listed as an endangered species, according to the Center for Biological Diversity. […]

See the full story here.


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