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Liberals Cheer Suicide of Rep. Dan Johnson ‘Roy Moore Should Follow Example’

As previously reported, Kentucky State Representative Dan Johnson, who was under investigation for alleged sexual molestation, committed suicide Wednesday evening.

Johnson vehemently denied the charges and was never charged criminally.

Evil liberals cheered Johnson’s suicide. He was a father and grandfather.

On Tuesday, Johnson had stated that he had no intention of resigning and giving up his seat.

Johnson was accused of molesting a 17-year-old girl at Heart of Fire Church in 2013, where he was the pastor. He was never charged over the accusations, but was under investigation.

.Around 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Johnson posted what appears to be his suicide note on Facebook, in which he maintained his innocence. He had previously called the allegations “part of a smear campaign against Republicans.” (screenshot below). Full text was reported by WDRB:

Read more here

(First reported by Christine Laila and published by the Gateway Pundit)  (December 13, 2017)

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