Senator Ted Harvey, a leader in the Conservative movement and a founding member of the Committee to Defend the President, brings his extensive experience within the political sphere to discuss the shameful trend in which Representatives in Congress are failing to stand up for America.
Congress is usually fighting against the American people. Democrats seem to be suffering from a psychosis now, and Republicans have lost their backbone in defending the policies that will put Americans first. Constituents need to stand up and vote these representative out of office.
They consider who in Congress is actually a Conservative based on their records, calling out those who only masquerade as such. The conversation turns to the impending vote on DACA and the influence of lobbyists like the Chamber of Congress.
Senator Harvey talks about the work of the Committee to Defend the President, a political action committee that stands up against the false narratives about President Trump being pushed by George Soros and the mainstream media.
On the podcast, Chuck and Mark also cover the debt ceiling and what the federal government’s actual powers are. They talk about government shutdowns and the offer they made during the Obama administration to pay the wages of the National Park Service employees at the WWII Memorial. Mark and Chuck wanted to keep the monument open while the President ordered it closed.
About the guest:
At the age of 22, Ted Harvey received a political appointment to serve in the White House of President Ronald Reagan. He returned to Colorado empowered by the vision of the Reagan Revolution and committed to defending the foundational and constitutional values of our nation.
After returning home Ted quickly became involved in Colorado politics and secured a staff position in the Colorado House of Representatives as the House Reading Clerk. After two years, Ted became the Program Director at the Independence Institute a conservative/libertarian Colorado think tank.
In December of 2001, through a vacancy election, Ted was elected to the Colorado House of Representatives and became a conservative champion inside the Capitol. He was re-elected in both 2002 and 2004, and was then elected to the State Senate in 2006 and 2010.
During his legislative tenure, Ted has proven himself to be a leader of the conservative movement. He led the fight against illegal immigration, for the passage of Right-To-Work and sponsored the only abortion restriction ever passed in Colorado – the Parental Notification Act. Ted has always been one of the legislature’s staunchest defenders of the 2nd Amendment.
Ted is also a founding members and Chairman of the Stop Hillary PAC, now The Committee to Defend the President. He is wholly devoted to assuring that Hillary Rodham Clinton never becomes President of the United States.
Learn more about the Committee to Defend the President at their website.
Follow the Committee on Twitter: @Defend_Trump
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