I must say I can’t help but feel a little bit sorry for my friends who are progressives – so very many of them are nice people – well meaning – albeit in so many cases, how terribly naïve and misguided they may be.
Things are not going well for them. America is winning.
As a starting point, it’s important to know that even when things are going their way, it’s pretty difficult for progressives to achieve much in the way of happiness. If you have a utopian view of the world – and want to ‘control’ all aspects global life – it’s always going to be tough to achieve perfection. Hence, the serious, consistently dour expression on the face of the progressive. There is always much work to do. And things are never good.
However, right now, it’s a particularly bad time to be a progressive. It’s getting to be downright ugly.
America is on a roll. We have an administration that is prepared to confront radical Islam and call it by name for what it is. Almost unnoticed by the mainstream media – our military forces have thoroughly crushed Isis in Raqqa – eliminating the caliphate.
Meanwhile – the economy is at the beginning of what looks like a protracted boom period – shaking off the malaise of the last eight years – and the quasi socialist policies of the Obama administration.
The stock market is booming. Unemployment is at one of its lowest points in years. And, we are seeing real growth in the economy – exceeding three percent in the third quarter – despite two major hurricanes affecting large parts of the economy.
Moreover, transcending even the objective data, the mood is turning decidedly upbeat. Measures of optimism are on the rise. Consumer confidence is trending upward as we approach the Christmas season.
And, did I say ‘Christmas? Yet, another reason for the progressive to scowl. Outward expressions of religion are once again creeping into public discourse.
If all this weren’t bad enough, the Democrat Party is clearly in disarray. And worse, if you are a true progressive and served as a foot soldier supporting Bernie in the campaign – now only to find that the whole game was rigged?
Yes, no matter how you slice it, this is a tough time to be a progressive. But, a deliciously wonderful time to be an American. Especially, an optimistic, conservative American.
Jay Lucas is a graduate from Harvard Law and Business schools. He is the Chairman and Managing Partner of The Lucas Group and is the Managing Partner LB Equity. He served two terms in the New Hampshire State Legislature as a Representative from Newport. He won the New Hampshire Republican Primary for Governor in 1998. He devotes his time to the non-profit Children of Fallen Patriots.
Jay can be reached on Twitter: @JayLucasNH
Jay can be reached on Facebook: Jay Lucas
Jay can be reached on Instagram: jayscottlucas
Jay can be found on Linked In: Jay Lucas
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