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NFL Kneeler to Fans: If You Don’t Like the Protests STAY HOME!

The New York Giants defensive lineman who protested the national anthem during the Thanksgiving Day night game against the Washington Redskins has a message for fans who don’t like it.


Oliver Vernon was blasted by many – including President Trump – who tweeted:

Trump’s tweet was clearly in reference to Vernon as it came on the day after the game was played – even worse? The player’s act of disrespect was undertaken while a U.S. Army Master Sergeant was singing the national anthem.

But like so many of these multimillionaire prima donnas, they have even less respect for the fans who are gouged at taxpayer subsidized stadiums than they do for the flag, the police and the military.

Via the New York Post “Giants’ last anthem kneeler: If you don’t like my protest, ‘don’t come’”:

After President Trump railed against the NFL protests taking place during the national anthem, instructing owners to deal with any player who took a knee to, “Get that son of a bitch off the field right now, he’s fired,” three Giants players decided to kneel down prior to the Week 3 game in Philadelphia. Olivier Vernon, Landon Collins and Damon “Snacks’’ Harrison all took a knee during the national anthem, part of a widespread movement around the league.

Since then, the protests have mostly dissipated. Vernon is the lone Giants player continuing to kneel during the national anthem, usually flanked by Collins and Harrison, who stand with their hands on Vernon’s shoulder.

Vernon told The Post on Thursday as he kneels, at home or on the road, he hears plenty of verbal abuse from fans.

“You hear ‘coward’ and ‘stand up’ and ‘disgrace,’’ Vernon said. “It’s fine. As long as nobody comes on the field and touches me. You stay where you at, you’re going to be all right. They have a right. Oh yeah, I hear it all the time. If they don’t like it, don’t come to the game.’’

That’s one hell of an attitude to have isn’t it? It is also the height of hypocrisy when the kneelers are defending their tantrums under the pretense of free speech but would seek to deny the fans the same right.

For a bunch of chattering black identity extremists who hate the oppressive white supremacist society that allowed them to get rich by playing a game, the words of Vernon pretty much sum it up and when the NFL is officially dead in a few more years, his words can be chiseled into its tombstone.

He is both an ingrate and an asshole.

(First reported by the DownTrend)  (December 2, 2017)

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